Community Council Report | 2024

15 YEARS OF COMMUNITY BUILDING 17 IMPACTS IMPACTS: This project created lists of resources and best practices for those addressing the issues of food insecurity. The Study Committee recommended a statistically valid survey to more specifically define the extent and locations of regional food insecurity. The Implementation Task Force documented the surveys conducted in its final report. One participant said the study led to a “culture change” around food distribution “and as a result we are doing it differently and better. It got food into the hands and homes of individuals who need it.” IMPACTS: In an unprecedented regional effort, more than 30 local, regional, state, and federal stakeholder entities joined forces to develop the Blue Mountain Region Trails Plan that spans all local jurisdictions. The Blue Mountain Region Trails Plan is a community driven, locally supported, regionwide, non-motorized trail and transportation network that integrates existing and planned urban sidewalks and bike routes with urban and regional trails. The network provides access to outdoor recreational opportunities, increased walking and biking options, and connectivity among community centers and cultural, historical, and natural resource sites throughout the region. One participant described the public participation in our Blue Mountain Region Trails project this way, “In my more than a quarter century in planning, I never saw anything like it and never will again. People of so many backgrounds.” Another participant said, “I was most impressed with the sheer number of people who attended. That was the biggest value of that work—somebody looking at it for the entire region.” A participant from a federal agency remarked that the post-study work created an “extraordinary and exemplary plan” that would not have happened but for Community Council. Area trails plans and maps were digitized for use by local jurisdictions. Improving Food Security 2014 - 2017 TOPIC: “How can we ensure that all residents of the region have access to adequate amounts of nutritious foods and the means to utilize them?” Enhancing Outdoor Recreation Opportunities 2014 - 2018 TOPIC: “How can we promote, enhance, and develop outdoor recreational opportunities and accessibility to improve the region’s quality of life and economic vitality?” Study Committee Report Chair: Anne Haley Implementation Task Force Report Chair: Genie Crowe Study Committee Report Chair: Adam Kirtley Implementation Task Force Report Co-chairs: Kate Bobrow-Strain Mike Denny Kevin Mills